Sunday, November 24, 2019

Writing the Related Studies

Related studies, in contrast to related literature are works based on empirical data. In reviewing related studies, one must identify the (1) problem, (2) methodology, including the sampling plan, (3) instruments used, (4) findings, and (5) conclusions.
            The researcher reviews such studies by commenting on the research design used, given the problem statement. The research proceeds to comment on the plausibility and scope of applicability of the findings given in the information on the research design and instruments used by the researcher.
At the end of the researcher’s review, he explains how the study being reviewed relates to the present study and identifies similarities and differences with the present study.

In reviewing related studies, the researcher should carefully note on the following points:
1. The researcher’s   motivation for conducting the study (this is usually found in the introduction);
2. the statement of the problem;
3. the variables involved in the study, including their quantifications;
4. the research design, including the sampling plan utilized by the investigator; and
5. the major results and conclusions.
    The researcher reviews both local and foreign studies, in order to give a balanced presentation of investigations, begin conducted in various settings. Foreign studies may have some biases in terms of the cultural background of the respondents of the study; and therefore, there is a need to review local studies conducted on the same topic so that the effects of cultural differences may be ascertained.

Both local and foreign studies are normally reviewed on chronological order to establish the time-order progression of the topic. Conflicting results may be observed because of the differences in (1) population frame, (2) research design, (3) statistical test employed, and (4) absence or presence of appropriate controls.

The use of the following phrases and expressions that help express related literature and studies are:
In 2016 Reyes stresses that….
From the book of Espedido entitled ‘” practice of research” published by the national bookstore Inc.., in 2019 he expounded that…..
Evans (2018) said that….
Penko (2010) suggested that...
Slovic (2015) pointed out that…..
Zachami (2017) used…
Ernest and Hunter's (2015) system investigated….
Barne’s system made detailed and interesting….
 Bellack, et al., proposed…
Malcolhm, on the other hand, credited for…
Costales largely based on the…
Zulueta postulated that these…
Nebrez directed that…

Bernard’s pointed out the good teachers vary their combination of traits but the listed characteristics do indicate what teachers strive for (2019)...

Example 2
Ricks (2019) found out that the qualities of good teachers are not absolute; they are instead interacting traits that may vary their merits, depending upon educational philosophy, pupil characteristics, course level and content.

Report on the investigation conducted in Central Luzon shows the opinions of several schools administrators as to the qualities of outstanding teachers. Majority of them agreed that an excellent teacher is a person (1) who has personal qualities of agreeableness, consideration for others, and sincerity, all will agree, make one desirable associate; (2) who is a professionally interested and competent ;(3) who has, among other qualities, scholarship and culture; and (4) who respects children and establishes wholesome student – relationship (2012).

Relevance or justification of the reviewed literature and studies to the present study
This is one of the sections of the proposed studies in which the proponent has to justify the direct bearing and relevance of the related readings, related literature, and related studies to the proposed study. It justifies the difference between the proposed study and the past related studies. It should be made clear that no duplication of the studies. The present study may only be a replication of another study. It should also be stressed that in spite of similar studies, there may be a need to continue with the present study to affirm or negate the findings of other inquiries about the same research problems or topics so that generalizations or principles would be the contributions of the present study, together with the other studies to the fund of knowledge.

The following phrases can help express the relevance of the study:
The related literature included in this study has a significant relationship with the future study in the study that...
The related studies presented here were selected on their basis of significance in promoting directions for this present study…
The study of …provided framework for the …
The dissertation of… is especially relevant to this study because the venue is similar to…
This present study is similar to that of … in terms of…
The different concepts on… as reflected in several studies revealed the following insights as they are as related to the present researcher’s study.
Like the previous studies presented, this study on… will serve…
This study is related to other studies conducted because …
The related literature and studies included in this have a bearing on…
The concept of… forwarded by… has a ramification on…
All the concepts revealed in the study of…will influence the… of this study.
The related literature and studies provided the … considering that…
The study of… is especially relevant to ….
The present study will be similar to that of … in the following aspects....

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