Saturday, September 7, 2019

Sample Study of Descriptive-Correlation Design

 If you are new to thesis writing, you must have an idea of the direction of your research. This means that you understand your research problem and you know how to translate it into research objectives and easily formulate a statement of the problem and hypothesis. From there, you will be able to identify the variable (Independent – Dependent Variables) of the study, apply the research design, use a relevant instrument to obtain the data which will be used in the statistical analysis to determine the result. The bottom line is that each research process is working together, they are dependent on each other, and they function as a whole to obtain reliable results. This also means that the result of your research should reflect on your title.

alt="framing the research. Descriptive-correlational design"

      Many students find this process difficult that is why they ended up in a study with conflicting output. For example, if the study seeks to identify the relationship of the variables, they will use the Test of Difference as their statistical analysis and have an instrument that does not answer the statement of the problem. This is not a common problem, even graduate school students find it very confusing. 
One of the objectives of this website is to guide students in thesis writing in which the main focus is to provide real examples to help students understand the research process better. Research is already a concept, and if the given example is also a concept, it might not be clear to the learners. Therefore, the examples here are presented in a way that would reflect in the actual writing of the research paper.
This article will only focus on the Descriptive – Correlation design. It consists of the research title, objects, and statement of the problem, conceptual framework, design, instrument, and analysis. This is done so because these research processes are dependent on each other.

Research Title: Job Satisfaction and Job Performance of Employees in Sta. Clara Hospital

Research Objectives: To determine if there is a significant relationship between job satisfaction and the job performance of the employees in Sta. Clara Hospital.

Statement of the Problem:
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents according to:
     1.1 Age
     1.2 Gender
     1.3 years in service
     1.4 Marital Status
     1.5 Monthly Income

2. What is the level of job satisfaction of the respondents when grouped according to:
     2.1 Nature of Work
     2.2 Salary and Benefits
     2.3 Work environment
     2.4 Personal Growth and Development
     2.5 Management Policies

3. What is the level of the respondents’ job performance?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the respondents’ job performance and the level of job satisfaction when grouped according to:
     4.1 Nature of Work
     4.2 Salary and Benefits
     4.3 Work environment
     4.4 Personal Growth and Development
     4.5 Management Policies

5. Do the demographic profile of the respondents significantly moderates the level of job the satisfaction of the respondents when grouped according to:
     5.1 Nature of Work
     5.2 Salary and Benefits
     5.3 Work environment
     5.4 Personal Growth and Development
     5.5 Management Policies

1. There is no significant relationship between the respondents’ job performance and the level of job satisfaction when grouped according to:
     1.1 Nature of Work
     1.2 Salary and Benefits
     1.3 Work environment
     1.4 Personal Growth and Development
     1.5 Management Policies

2.  The demographic profile of the respondents do not significantly moderate the level of job satisfaction of the respondents when grouped according to:
     2.1 Nature of Work
     2.2 Salary and Benefits
     2.3 Work environment
     2.4 Personal Growth and Development
     2.5 Management Policies

Conceptual Paradigm:
alt="Descriptive- Correlation Sample Study"
Research Design: Descriptive - Correlation

Statistical Analysis: 

1. To describe the demographic profile, Frequency and Percentage will be used.

2. Mean will be used to determine the level of job satisfaction of the respondents.

3. Mean will be used to determine the level of the job performance of the respondents.

4. Pearson r will be used to determine if there is a significant relationship between the respondents’ job performance and the level of job satisfaction when grouped according to the nature of work, salary, and benefits, work environment, personal growth and development, and management policies.

5. Moderated Regression Analysis will be used to determine if the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, years in service, monthly income and marital status significantly moderate between the level of job performance and the level of job satisfaction when grouped according to nature of work, salary, and benefits, work environment, personal growth, and development, and management policies.

Instrument (excerpt only)

alt="independent, dependent, and moderating variables in job satisfaction"
alt="questionnaire. excerpt job satisfaction"
    Notice that the instrument used in the study answers the questions in the statement of the problem. It is important that the instrument matches the problems in question in order to obtain accurate results. 

   The study seeks to determine if there is a significant relationship between job satisfaction and job performance. Job satisfaction and job performance serve as the independent and dependent variables, while the demographic profile serves as the moderating variable of the study which is reflected in the research paradigm. Furthermore, the statement of the problem coincides with the instrument which is essential in obtaining the data needed. The data then will be processed using the appropriate statistical analysis to answer the statement of the problem and the research objectives. And based on the generated result, the title may be revised to reflect the findings of the study. As you noticed, the process of research started with the title and it also ends with the title.

1. David, F. (2002). Understanding and Doing Research: A Handbook for Beginners. Philippines. Panorama Printing Inc.
2. Tan, E. (2006).  A Research Guide in Nursing Education. Third Edition. Philippines. Visual Print Enterprise.

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